The Agency for Cooperation and Investment of Medellin and the Metropolitan Area -ACI Medellin- has several communication channels that will help you to keep up to date with the main news in terms of international cooperation and foreign investment; also, you will learn about Medellín’s progress in positioning and internationalization, and find out the visits of authorities and government representatives to Medellin who come to learn about our transformation process and the impact of the actions on issues related to urban planning, environment, mobility, peacebuilding, government, and economic development .

Therefore, we invite you to read and follow the activities of the Agency in the following media:

Link Magazine: It’s an annual publication specialized in international news with articles on issues related to cooperation, investment, and city positioning and its impact on the development of the quality of life of citizens.

Website: It’s a portal in both, English and Spanish, with complete information on the management of the agency, its members, current news on cooperation and investment, our networks, publications, among other public information.

Social Network:

Instagram @acimedellin: You will find graphic notes portal with the latest news on the management of ACI Medellín.

Twitter @acimedellin: It has all the news of interest on issues related to internationalization, investment, cooperation, and city positioning, taking into account what other entities and characters think and comment on Medellin, and the scope and impact of our actions.

Facebook ACI.Medellín: It’s a space for the publication of notes of interest on topics related to the management of the Agency.

Linkedin ACIMedellín: It has key contents on business management, foreign investment, city internationalization and other strategies that allow managers and executives to know the advances in investment and cooperation.


Internal newsletter: It provides important information to the members of the Agency in order to keep them informed about administrative issues and current management of the Agency.

Knowledge management newsletter: It offers contents of interest on the exchange of knowledge, learning and other actions that benefit the public of ACI Medellín.

Management control newsletter: It’s a document with current information on compliance with current legal regulations and the impact on quality management of the Agency.

Newsletter: It’s made up of short notes on issues of impact and interest that seeks to inform key audiences about the current management of the Agency.




Illustration: freepik

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