Medellín, una ciudad a contraluz

Medellín and its inhabitants’ resilience is one of the four stories in the documentary Ciudades a Contraluz. It shows the profound essence of Beirut, Sarajevo, Medellín and Kigali, cities affected by violence that have healed their wounds to continue the path of social transformation.

The capital of Antioquia is one of the cities highlighted in the documentary filmed by the Spanish filmmaker Francesc Relea. Ciudades a Contraluz (Backlit Cities) has been awarded around the world, such as, Best Documentary and Best Editor in the last 34th version of the India Catalina Awards.

According to Francesc Relea, director of the documentary, the four cities have experienced urban and social transformations which show a resilient, conciliatory and optimistic spirit in their inhabitants, which in time, have allowed profound changes that reveal the construction of new imaginaries and realities.

Medellín bets on culture and hip hop to fight violence

In Ciudades a Contraluz, how the commitment to efficient public transport has allowed mobility and citizen development becomes evident. Also, viewers can appreciate how education and culture, through artistic expressions such as hip hop, have reduced violence to create new spaces for meeting and coexistence.

[ more info. ]

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