Las 100 acciones de Antioquia para convertirse en un territorio de carbono neutral

The construction of overhead cables and bicycle trails, promotion of solar parks, planting 25 million trees throughout the department and even the structuring of the high-speed train project between Medellín and Bogotá, are some of the mechanisms proposed by the Government of Antioquia to reverse the 23 million tons of greenhouse gases produced in the territory each year.

Antioquia, the second most important region in Colombia with great potential derived from its environmental wealth, focuses its efforts on saving the environment.

In February of this year, Antioquia declared a State of Climate Emergency, this being the first clear and concrete action to propose basic changes in the people and companies that are part of this vast territory that comprises 125 municipalities distributed in 9 subregions.

With the implementation of this new plan of “100 actions of the Government of Antioquia to face the climate emergency”, the departmental government will implement measures of agriculture; energy and sustainable transport; biodiversity and ecosystems; competitiveness and new economies; resilient urban development; risk management; and education, culture and communication; so that CO2 removals can be increased by neutralizing CO2 emissions.

A first-level scientific committee will help implement this ambitious program, which includes 100 concrete actions to reduce polluting gases.

To fulfill these actions and looking for a holistic view from science and experience, the governor (E) of Antioquia, Luis Fernando Suárez Vélez, called a group of 14 experts among engineers, architects, administrators, biologists, among others, whose great coincidence is their preparation and knowledge to advise the implementation of these actions.

The Department ranks third in net emissions of greenhouse gases in Colombia, and the government’s action to respond to the challenges of vulnerability to climate change is strategic.

A large part of the department’s greenhouse gas emissions are related to the agricultural, forestry, manufacturing and transportation sectors; these activities are the ones that deserve a greater number of actions within the plan. In this way it is intended to install 10 thousand orchards that promote sustainable agriculture, structure a program of operation of overhead cables promoting sustainable mobility, declare 15,000 hectares of forest as protected areas and give greater impetus to green businesses and businesses, among other actions.

“We will make our contribution with this package of 100 actions that we present to all of Antioquia. But the most important actions have to come from each of the citizens in the 125 municipalities of Antioquia. We have that responsibility. It is time for action and decisions designed for current and future generations,” said Luis Fernando Suárez Vélez, governor (E) of Antioquia.

The plan is divided as follows:

  1. Sustainable agriculture. 12 actions framed in: orchards, food security, agricultural production units with agro-ecological approach, soil conservation, land adjustment districts, productivity with technology transfer, sustainable livestock.
  2. Sustainable transportation and energy. 23 actions between public bicycle systems, bicycle infrastructures and bicycle parking, rural overhead cables, promotion and implementation of electric and hybridized mobility, urban area LED lighting, solar farm promotion, eco-housing, clean energy promotion through small hydroelectric plants, mass transport system structuring, solar panels in administrative buildings and public schools, flexible hours and telecommuting.
  3. Biodiversity, ecosystems and their services. 16 actions highlighting forest restoration, deforestation control, protected areas and the protection of wildlife, environmental services payment and the promoting the efficient use and saving of water.
  4. Competitiveness and new economies. 15 actions among which we find: eco-mining, promotion and support for green businesses and entrepreneurships, sustainable tourism, restoration and conservation of productive soils plan, climate finance, green credit line, circular economy public policy, local production and purchase.
  5. Resilient and urban development. 16 actions for: the elimination of plastics, the use of waste by 20%, the creation of low-carbon landfills, sustainable construction, Municipal “Parques del Río”, conscious family planning, climate change adaptation plan, access to drinking water supply for rural housing and schools.
  6. Risk Management. 4 actions in plant cover protection and early warning and monitoring systems.
  7. Education, culture and communication for sustainability. 14 actions based on the promotion of physical activity and healthy habits, communication campaigns for public mobilization, promotion of ancestral and indigenous knowledge for the conservation of biodiversity.

Download the compendium of actions [ here ]

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