Línea 1,2,3 Mujer

The Hotline 1, 2, 3 Mujer is an innovative mechanism of the Medellín Mayor’s Office attached to the Women’s Secretariat. Today, it is highlighted in Spain by the NovaGob Excellence 2018 Awards in the category: Gender Equality, as an innovative municipal project which has achieved an impact on the care and protection of violence against women.   

The NovaGob awards, from the Iberoamerican Social Network of Public Administration www.novagob.org, aim to highlight best practices and efforts made by public administrations in their procedures of citizenship attention.

Since its implementation, this mechanism has helped to reduce physical domestic violence by 37%, this is due to the effectiveness of its process, the faster it is, the greater the effect on reducing violence against women. In 2016, the Hotline 1, 2, 3 Mujer attended 3,760 events and in 2017, 3,897.

The Hotline 1, 2, 3 Mujer works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, provides timely attention to people who report cases of violence against women or when the woman is at risk of being female.

The female professionals in this Hotline, implement a model of psycho-legal attention to ensure comprehensive accompaniment and provide protection, legal assistance and health services to all women who suffer violence (Law 1257). Subsequently, under the umbrella of projects and mechanisms of the Women’s Secretariat, the victim is referred to the foster homes which offer them protection and immediate support.

“Receiving this award is a recognition to the work of a group of female professionals who are committed on the prevention and treatment of violence against women; as well as the institutional commitment of the Medellín Mayor’s Office to eradicate violence .This award becomes both an opportunity to visualize this best practice and a challenge to generate new synergies in terms of eliminating barriers in the access of women to attention services,” said Valeria Molina Gómez, Women’s Secretary of Medellín.

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